Hello everyone. This could be just the right etiquette write-up for women and also by which women can both learn a thing-or-two from the struggles of natural afro hair acceptance and care. If the advice is applicable, then the source is definitely relevant.
… yet, no one cares for the natural curly coily afro crown that was stripped off its glory. What does it take to continue the process that knocks at the door of baldness? A tug-of-war with the hairline, straining it into nothingness…
Born with natural hair into a society of hair relaxers
Looking back at some of our mother’s goals for little girls 4C Afro hair; it is not surprising that the standard of beauty for woman’s hair at that time was upsetting and pitiful. Young girls hair would undergo pain-bearing pulling, ironing or through a relaxing agent to face the fate of “straightening” it. No cry or plea would satisfy mother, until she sees her daughter in a straight as a fiddle type of hairstyle… yet, no one cares for the natural curly coily afro crown that was stripped off its glory. What does it take to continue the process that knocks at the door of baldness? A tug-of-war with the hairline, straining it into nothingness… Well some of us luckily still have a few strands of natural hair protruding in our shining scalp that we still hold onto with our dear lives in order to begin our natural hair journey. Welcome everyone.
We’ll face every natural hair issue head on… “Transition or Big Chop’’
Remember ladies, that the choice is yours and that it is definitely up to you and your beautiful souls to get a haircut to remove every remnant of relaxed suffocating hair strands from the healthy natural growth underneath. I chose the latter, better to begin with a clean slate and I don’t mean to be extra but I even wanted to tell the barber that they needed to get me starting from baldness to growth. hahaaa!(*not funny but yeah… you get it.)
- It takes patience in order to find the things that will work for your hair.
- Following and using online social media video resources like YouTube.
- Get your coins together and be prepared to spend! Butters, oils and satin bonnets.
Having 4C type curls is unique and awesome… well that’s until you need or want to comb it. Now that where every little girl starts getting an attitude for the mere fact that there’s pain; and I mean what more do you expect when your comb runs through your afro? Good butters tend to soften the hair to lessen this pain, similar to using water instead so that combing through can be done quickly with less fussing around, grimacing and making faces. Diligence and patience to continue the growth of your natural 4C Afro is key to success. Social media blogs and videos have had a very big impact on making sure that the Natural Hair Movement is shared amongst all ladies with 4C hair types. The information is just there! Everything that is going on from hairstyles suitable for your Afro in which there is no need to relax/straighten.
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